the snobby foodie

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Board Games That Cause Arguments

Mulled wine, eggnog, and BOARD GAMES. It’s the perfect combo... and I don’t even like the first two. Also, what better time to get in heated arguments with friends than over the holidays? If you haven’t already, check out my post from last year: Board Games for a Game Night.

If you like alliances and backstabbing...

Settlers of Catan

You’re a conquerer of the land of Catan and different lands give you different resources. You must trade resources with your fellow players to create cities and towns. However, some people may not trade with you because they’re jealous that you’re ahead on victory points. Haters gonna hate...

Makes me want to say: I KNOW one of you has clay- why won’t your trade with me?? :-(  

If you like working in a less agressive silo...

7 Wonders

Very similar to Catan, but you work more independently. You pass cards left to right with your fellow players and select resources from a deck.  There are multiple ways you can get victory points, but if someone in your group chooses the same way you choose, you’ll find yourself fighting over the same cards. Also, you can only trade with people to your left and right. This game, however, is less aggressive than Catan. There are multiple ways you can get victory points, but if someone in your group chooses the same way you choose, you’re screwed.

Makes me want to say:  

Games similar to 7 Wonders include: Viticulture (wine-making) & The Manhattan Project (bomb-making) 

What about you! What are your favorite argument- inducing games?