the snobby foodie

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The Best Boba in Austin, TX

Strangest bubble tea top ever.

Bubble tea is great, especially in Texas heat. At a price of $3.50 a pop, you want to get what you pay for especially if you're as picky as me. Here's how I judge boba.

Judging Boba - 
Boba should be chewy, but not mushy, and definitely not hard. It should have some flavor- whether it's brown sugar or honey.

Judging Tea -
It shouldn't be under or over-steeped. Also, powder is not preferred - it defeats the 'tea' part of bubble tea.

Drink Rating:

1= Never go here again
3= Nothing special
>3.5= Would come back
5= I wish I had this every day

Overall: Considers service, ambiance, and how the drinks taste...

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