All tagged Gluten-Free

Lazy Girl's [Quarantine] Flourless Chocolate Torte

Are you a chocolate torte or lemon tart?

I’m kidding - this isn’t another food personality test. But for those of you who are chocolate tortes at heart, sometimes you NEED chocolate. NEED IT. During these quarantine times, it’s hard to go out for ingredients to satisfy your chocolate dessert cravings. This is my go-to recipe when I’m in a pinch. It’s easy to make, has simple ingredients... and most importantly it’s SUPER smooth and chocolate-y and creamy. Enjoy with a glass of milk.

Quick & Easy Gluten Free Pizza

Ooh, girl, it's something gluten-free that doesn't taste like poo. If you've tried gluten free pastries, they taste yucky. 

Let's be honest: when a package has "gluten-free" written on it, it makes me want to walk in the other direction. When I finally find a gluten-free product that isn't super high in sodium & sugar, I'm ecstatic. My Celiac friends can enjoy the pleasure of gooey, bready food!

Venice Bakery's Seasoned pizza crust is has a buttery deliciousness to it - even though it's vegan. They sell it at Sprouts Farmer's Market.

The Best Gluten Free Flour for Waffles, Pancakes, and Crepes

I feel for my Celiac disease friends. It sucks not to be able to chew on the gooey texture of a gluten-y pastry (like the popover below).

So I did some research: I ate a lot of bad (some good) homemade, waffles, pancakes, and crepes (you're welcome), and experimented with some popular flours that are gluten-free. Here is a review of popular gluten-free flours when used for breakfast foods (waffles, pancakes, and crepes- oh  my!). I tried to find some that had a similar gooey texture so you gluten-free people won't feel left out.